Food menu Ads for only $1 with fast delivery (less than 1 day ) .
Note : if you are a new user you will get $2 credit for signing up to softahs.
? you can request for refund if you are not satisfied with the service?
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Best wishes.
سعر الخدمة دولار فقط مع سرعة في الإنتهاء من العمل في أقل من يوم واحد
ملاحظة : إذا سجلت حساب مع سوفتاز فإنك سوف تحصل على دولاران في حسابك
لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى مراسلتي وشكرا
اطيب الامنيات
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You will not pay until you are satisfied. Your payment will be kept with us until you confirm the order of your service
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If you have amazing skills, We give you the Freedom to Share . SOFTAHS Palestine has opportunities for all types of Skills . Let's turn your little hobby into Big Bucks.