• Only registered users may buy and sell services on Softahs. Registration is free and you are only allowed to have one account. In registering for an account, you agree to provide us with accurate, complete and updated information and must not create an account for fraudulent or misleading purposes. You are solely responsible for any activity on your account and for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your password. We are not liable for any acts or omissions by you in connection with your account.
  • services on softahs may be offered at a base starting price of $1. Some services are offered at a base price of more than $1 as determined by the Seller.
  • You’ll get $2 credit for signing up to softahs.
  • Orders are purchased through the blue Order button found on a Seller’s service page .
  • Sellers must fulfill their orders, and may not cancel orders on a regular basis or without cause. Cancelling orders will affect Sellers’ reputation and status.
  • Sellers gain account statuses (Levels) based on their performance and reputation. Advanced levels provide their owners with benefits, including provide them with Ranking on the first page of softahs.
  • Users may not offer or accept payments using any method other than chicking out order through softahs.com.
  • When purchasing a service, Buyers are granted all rights for the delivered work, unless otherwise specified by the Seller on their servicre page.
  • softahs retains the right to use all published delivered works and Logo Designs for softahs marketing and promotion purposes.
  • We care about your privacy.we keep your creditentials in a safe place locked with complicated passwords by which any website user can feel safe.
  • softahs offers its users promotions codes from time to time to help them grow fast and easy.